First up was the Top Scorer award which saw Dave Owen win the award after an impressive 30 goals from midfield. Dave had just edged out last years top scorer Kevin Rapley who had scored 27 goals.
Nick Burrows earned Gunners "Most Improved Player" after being a constant fixture in the side this season playing in a variety of positions. He also weighed in with 11 goals.
The "Player of the Year" votes were again cast anonymously by the players and Paul Ali came in 3rd place after a good season in which he was a permanent fixture in the side where he occupied a number of positions. Paul was also the only Gunners player to feature in every game.
Nick Burrows came in 2nd place which capped off a great season for him. Nick had been in and out of the side in the previous year but had a tremendous second season for Gunners which was recognised by his team mates and which saw him win both the "Most Improved Player" and "2nd Place - Player of the Year" Award.
Finally, Dave Owen was crowned "Player of the Year" after another good season as a key player in the Gunners midfield. During the course of the season Dave earned 2 "Man of the Match" awards and scored 30 goals to cap off a fine season.
The rest of the squad (who had qualified with enough league games) were also awarded their League Runners-Up trophies after eventually finishing second place to Warwick Arms.
Furthermore, some players (who had played sufficient cup games) had also earned a Cup Runners Up award. However, these had already been handed out on Cup Final Day.
Finally, there was a word of thanks to John Lamb who was going to step down as Manager. It was agreed over the summer that Nick Burrows would take over as Team Manager with Paul Ali assisting in his "Player/Coach" role.